ARLEQUINS NEWSLETTER (Italian Internet Site), April 24, 2002 update
[Readers may click for the Italian-language original]
Here�s more experimentation on the part of the group guided by Ed Macan . . . not pointless experimentation and not even with reference strictly to their own imagination, but constructed around the styles and precepts of classic prog, as indeed with their previous albums.� The result is a thick soup of a kind of instrumental symphonic rock that, while not exasperating, is conditioned by the preponderant role of the keyboards, with explicit and implicit citations, merging jazzy rhythms and complex solutions and elaborate arrangements.� The taste is a bit like a one man-band, even if, in addition to Macan, who plays a little of everything, there are three other musicians.� Not that we are annoyed, all things considered, nor much less are we left disliking it, but I must say that there is a certain sameness to it.� At length the album risks passing by without making much of an impression . . .���������������� Alberto Nucci